Music takes many forms, and everyone’s needs are unique. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or taking your very first music lesson, I’m here to help find the piano that’s the perfect for you.

Hi, I’m Vince Chambers, a piano tuning opera singer, and owner of Apollo Piano and SF Piano Works.

I’ve studied accordion, acoustic guitar, electric bass guitar, piano, and opera (BA, Voice, Long Beach State). I’ve had experience playing in bands and singing opera, a Capella, acted in theater and films, all while working behind the scenes as a piano tuner/technician. After 42 years tuning pianos and 10 years teaching technicians how to service them, I still find these instruments fascinating. They are a 19th century marvel that remains relevant and “app worthy“ in the 21st century.

I sell new Yamaha and a few select used pianos at my store in Chico, CA. I also sell use pianos in San Francisco, as well as a sister store in Seattle. You’ll see links to that inventory under the “in-stock” tab.

Please give me a call, send a text or an email. I take pride in helping individuals and family discover their instrument, whether I can sell it to you or not.

My service team in Chico and The SF Bay Area have all been trained by me, and continue to grow and thrive on their own. I’m proud of the team I have, and we all pride ourselves on the fact that we’re technicians who sell pianos.

Send me an email or a text message and we can have a chat, or set up an appointment to visit my store, or discuss repairs to your current piano. It would be my pleasure to We'd love the opportunity to serve you.

Your Local Piano Specialist